What’s in store for the 104(b) Competitive Seed Grants Program in 2024?

Look for the Arkansas Water Resources Center to release the FY2024 Request for Pre-Proposals for our Competitive Seed Grants Program later this fall!
The 104(b) project period now runs from September to August the following year. We have adjusted the application window to match this change to the national program.
This means the next project period will be September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025.
The matching requirement for the federal funds request is now 1:1. This means researchers must provide one non-federal dollar in match for each dollar of requested federal funding.
The AWRC anticipates publishing our Request for Pre-proposals (RFP) in early November, with a due date in early January. Notifications of final project selections will then come in March. As always, 104(b) funding is contingent upon federal appropriations.
Pre-proposals will include the same components as in previous years, and project funding caps remain at $35,000 for faculty and $10,000 for students. Researchers who plan to apply can get a head start using the RFP from last year.
The Competitive Seed Grants Program continues to prioritize student and early-career faculty support. Senior faculty entering new research areas of emerging concern are also given priority for funding.
Please contact the 104(b) program manager Erin Grantz (egrantz@uark.edu) with any questions.