Students get FREE Registration for Conference in January
The Arkansas Soil and Water Education Conference and Expo is set for January 30, 2019 in Jonesboro. Students can attend the conference free of charge, thanks to conference sponsors, but still must register online.
There is also still time for students to submit information to present in the student poster competition. The first place winner will receive $200, second place gets $125, and third place gets $75! Interested students should email the following information to Ms. Chris Jones at no later than January 24, 2019:
- Poster title
- Name of student presenter and academic classification (i.e. undergraduate, M.S., Ph.D.)
- List of co-authors and their affiliations.
The goal of the Arkansas Soil and Water Education Conference is to educate farmers, producers, consultants, policy makers, students, and others with a vested interest about current issues and practices in the area of soil and water management and conservation. This conference is unique in that producers present a lot of the information, in addition to researchers.
To register, go to, and for more information you can email Ms. Chris Jones at