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Site Specific Nutrient Criteria Approved for Beaver Lake

Site Specific Nutrient Criteria Approved for Beaver Lake

By Angela Danovi, Beaver LakeSmart

On November 10, 2016, ADEQ announced the EPA completed its review of the Arkansas Regulation 2, which establishes water quality standards for surface waters throughout the state of Arkansas. As part of the review process, EPA approved most of the proposed revisions to the regulation including adopting site specific criteria on Beaver Lake. The provision found in section 2.509, Nutrients, states the site-specific criteria to be:

  • Growing season geometric mean of chlorophyll a concentration: 8 µg/L
  • Annual Average of Secchi transparency: 1.1 meters

for measurement at Hickory Creek site over the thalweg, below the confluence of War Eagle Creek and the White River in Beaver Lake.


About Arkansas Water Resources Center

Founded in 1964, the AWRC engages with students by supporting student research and providing employment opportunities. The AWRC also operates a water quality laboratory where water samples are analyzed for researchers, students, and the public.

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The mission of the AWRC is three-fold:

  1. to support water research in Arkansas
  2. to train future water scientists and engineers
  3. to share information with stakeholders.

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