Public Invited to Comment on Draft 2018 List of Impaired Waterbodies

The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) completed the draft 2018 303(d) list of impaired waterbodies which is now open for public comment. ADEQ held a public hearing on August 17, 2018 in Little Rock, and will accept written comments through the afternoon of September 10, 2018.
Arkansas must submit an integrated water-quality report and the 303(d) list every two years to the Environmental Protection Agency. According to the Federal Clean Water Act section 305(b), all states must do this.
ADEQ uses their Assessment Methodology to evaluate water quality based on standards that are defined in Regulation 2 set forth by the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission. Regulation 2 defines water-quality standards for lakes and streams and defines designated uses for a waterbody. Water-quality data from around the state is evaluated against criteria outlined in Regulation 2 using the Assessment Methodology.
When a waterbody’s water quality doesn’t meet the applicable criteria, it is placed on the 303(d) list of impaired waterbodies. The 303(d) list shows the problem pollutants, such as bacteria, sediments, or metals. The source of pollution is also listed, such as from agricultural activities, point sources, or urban runoff. The waterbodies not meeting water-quality standards are ranked by ADEQ into different categories of impairment.
The water-quality data used to evaluate if standards are being met can come from many different sources, as long as the data are collected and analyzed under approved quality assurance plans. The Arkansas Water Resources Center contributes to this process by conducting water-quality monitoring around the state and submitting data to ADEQ.