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Meet Our 2024 Summer Water Fellows

Meet Our 2024 Summer Water Fellows

The Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC) introduced its first Water Center Fellows this summer. The AWRC is funding water fellowships through this summer. Students involved in the fellowship are working on a water-related research project with a faculty mentor.

The AWRC has six Water Fellows: Brynnen Beck, Calyn Wisdom, Alonzo Hernandez, Danna Villarreal, Lyndall Chapman, and Katie McKay. Each is working on their respective projects in different departments cross-campus.

“The fellows position is providing me with experience that you just can’t get in a class,” Beck noted. “I get to do hands-on, fieldwork, which in the scientific world, can be hard to find as an undergrad student.”

When asked about their overall experience working as a water fellow, each of these students made similar remarks about the benefits of hands-on learning environments.

“It allows me to think on my feet and troubleshoot throughout my project, which I find really satisfying in day-to-day work”, Hernandez explained. For Hernandez, who is working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to examine flow lines in watersheds, it was important that he delve into a passion project. “I knew I wanted to use GIS in my project. It had been two semesters since I had taken a GIS class and wanted to exercise that muscle.”

Wisdom, a chemical engineering major, was presented with the opportunity to apply to be a water fellow by her mentor in the engineering department. “When I was told about this position, I knew it was a good opportunity and knew I wanted to apply. The experience the fellowship has given me has really helped me hone in on and find out more of what I’m interested in within the field.”

Chapman mentioned her affinity for flexibility in her work. “I really enjoy the creative freedom I get to have and the fact that I get to keep working with my department.” As an earth science major, Chapman was able to bring a unique perspective to her project. “While we study water science in my major, it’s not something we necessarily focus on, so it’s been cool to deep dive into it in my fellowship.

“I know that I want to work in water quality in the future, and this fellowship gave me a really good opportunity to get more experience in this area,” McKay said.

Villarreal echoed McKay. “The working environment is incredible,” Villarreal elaborated, “The people have been so accommodating and kind. It’s been a great place to get involved and do research in.”

The AWRC readily anticipates the continuation of these fellows’ research throughout the summer and looks forward to their project presentations upon completion. The Water Fellows will present their findings at the Annual Arkansas Agriculture, Forests, and Water Conference on July 16-18. Find registration info at the link here. We are excited about the future contributions of our Water Fellows and the ongoing development of this program.

Article written by Caroline Cheek

Photo courtesy of the Arkansas Water Resources Center


About Arkansas Water Resources Center

Founded in 1964, the AWRC engages with students by supporting student research and providing employment opportunities. The AWRC also operates a water quality laboratory where water samples are analyzed for researchers, students, and the public.

Mission Statement

The mission of the AWRC is three-fold:

  1. to support water research in Arkansas
  2. to train future water scientists and engineers
  3. to share information with stakeholders.

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Dr. Brian E. Haggard
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