Call for Proposals for USGS 104G Grant Program

The Arkansas Water Resources Center is announcing the release of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the FY2020 104G Federal Competitive Grant Program by the U.S. Geological Survey. In contrast to previous year’s, this year the USGS is not asking for preproposals but going straight to full proposals. The USGS is only requesting proposals that address one of the four high-priority research areas as detailed in the RFP.
All investigators at an institution of higher learning are eligible to apply. The maximum amount of federal funds that can be requested is $250,000. The project can range from one to three years, with multiple-year projects being fully funded with FY2020 funds, if available. Matching funds must be met at a 1:1 match, meaning for every dollar of federal funds requested, one dollar of matching funds must be provided.
Those interested in preparing a proposal must contact Center director, Brian Haggard at haggard@uark.edu before beginning. All required parts of the proposal package are due by close of business on March 11 by emailing to Erin Scott at erins@uark.edu.
More information can be found in the RFP.